
Love Your Bookshop Day

The magnificent window in the main street of Croydon caught the attention of people who passed by. A giant heart representing love and announcing a special day featured on the glass. Pink and white balloons indicated there was a celebration. The rain bucketed down as I hurried along the street to the shop with the …Read More

About Juliet for school projects

Born: Melbourne, Australia. Birthday month: April Favourite colour: Blue Pet: A dog called Bryce. He is a Westie. Favourite flower: Sunflower Hobbies: Drawing, movies, dancing, travelling, gardening, reading and writing. Books published so far: 6 Juliet’s motto: Spread sunshine and inspiration More information about Juliet Juliet is an international award-winning author. She has written six books. Dance …Read More

Pictures speak a thousand words

‘I’ve read Grace’s Mystery Seed and I love the story. I know what the mystery seed is,’ a little girl said at the library. She was carrying the book under her arm. The enthusiasm children are showing for Grace’s Mystery Seed is amazing. I looked up the meaning for ‘amazing’ and it states causing wonder …Read More

Three Magical Moments

Dreams are wishes from the heart and I made one. At a young age, I fell in love with the world of books. My mother read to me every night, I visited story time sessions at the library and enjoyed my Prep teacher sharing books. My first connection to storytelling was through picture books and …Read More

The Latin dancer paints her passion

I walked through the door into a lively room. Rows of tables with easels and canvases on top, filled the space. Smocks with splashes of paint hung from pegs. ‘Creativity begins here’ were words painted across the wall. The lady with a clipboard checked our names and ushered us to our seats. I sat in …Read More

Outback Wonder Book Launch

There I was in front of my audience. Every seat was full, all eyes on me. Just for a minute, the whole world stood still as I soaked in the moment. Years of work had now come to fruition, my words had become a book and it was time to share the story with the …Read More

Writers do not always sit behind a desk: KidlitVic 2017

There was a buzz in the air as I walked through the doors of the State Library of Victoria and into a foyer full of people in the book industry. After months of waiting, the day had finally arrived. I believe the world of a writer is not just about sitting behind a desk, its …Read More

Central Australia: Part Two

ULURU AND THE FIELD OF LIGHTS  I sat watching as the sun’s rays lit the giant rock. The orange glow was a contrast to the green grass that stretched for miles around this sacred site. The grey sky was fading turning to a light blue. Morning had arrived. I brushed aside a tiny fly that …Read More

Central Australia: Part One

Buzz, buzz, buzz. I brushed away the annoying fly that was hovering around my face as I strolled along the golden brown uneven path that headed into the distance. The pathway lead between skyscraping smooth rock and was my first adult experience of this barren land. Over thirty years ago I had visited this harsh …Read More

Dancing my way around South America: Part One

WELCOME TO THE WORLD OF TANGO A spark inside of me was ignited when I visited South America. You may ask WHY. Well, I admit I’ve a passion for dance. The journey began at a young age learning jazz, tap and ballet. I studied dance as part of my Victorian Certificate of Education, at university …Read More